Learn to dazzle your friends' sweet tooths with a 2-hour cake or cupcake decorating class OR a 150-minute introduction to baking class with take-home cakes
Confucius once said that learning to bake is no piece of cake - unless one is baking a cake...in which case there is probably a piece of cake involved. Wise words indeed, but now you can have your cake and (literally) eat it too with today's WagJag from SugarTiers Cake and Sugar Artistry. Choose from two options:
$49 for a two-hour cake or cupcake decorating class (a $199 value)
$89 for a 150-minute introduction to baking class (a $249 value)
At SugarTiers, award-winning cake artists and instructors Rosalind Chan and Evalin Chong will teach you all the skills and techniques you'll need to whip up lavish and delicious desserts for your friends and family. Decoration classes lead you through the basics of applying fondant and spreading butter cream, before moving on to advanced techniques like piping borders, blossoms, roses and leaves on cakes or cupcakes. The small and intimate class size invites you to ask questions and learn at your own pace, and as icing on the cake, you'll be able to bring home your newly decorated works of art at the end of the workshop.
The Introduction to Baking course will teach you to bake your own cake from scratch, covering everything from culinary chemistry to the inner workings of pastry tools and equipment. SugarTiers will provide you with all the ingredients and tools you'll need, so all you have to do is bring an apron, a notepad, and a desire to turn baking into a cake walk.