A one-topping medium pizza for a month for one year.
Nothing puts a greater damper on a cozy night in than setting off the smoke detector and dashing around the house fanning the air with pillows, then trying to fool everyone into believing the food is supposed to be "crispy." Guarantee yourself a minimum one night per month free of kitchen catastrophes with today's WagJag: $39 for one medium one-topping pizza per month for a year at Gino's Pizza in Cambridge (Holiday Inn Drive) only (up to a $108 value).
What's better than a pizza? Twelve pizzas! Savour the gooey goodness of melted cheese, fresh tomato sauce, soft, fluffy dough and flavourful toppings all year round. Place your order for a marvellous medium-sized pizza topped up with an ingredient of your choice. With at least one holiday every month, there's a perfectly good occasion for pizza 12 times in the year - but, let's face it, no one needs an excuse to eat some 'za. So strike up a rewarding relationship with your neighbourhood pizza maker and dig into a saucy slice - 'tis only the beginning of this bee-yoo-tiful friendship.