#BlackLivesMatter - Donate Here!
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Here's how we can all help:

Don't have money to donate? No problem! Stream THIS video, all donations go directly to the NAACP, the longer you watch the more your donation increases! 

SIGN PETITIONS! Follow THIS link to this #blacklivesmatter document and sign these petitions to make our voices heard. You'll also find ways to donate, relevant events, and resources to get educated. 

HERE is a folder of completely free PDFs of books written by Black activists. 


It is no longer helpful or productive to simply not be racist, we MUST come together and be actively anti-racism.

Silence is NOT an option. Silence is complicity. 

Black Lives Matter.

We remember and mourn for George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Philando Castile, Trayvon Martin, and the countless others that have been ripped away from their families as a result of police brutality that is further perpetuated by a culture entrenched with discrimination. A disproportionate number of Black, Indigenous, and POC are treated with suspicion or violence every day, which cannot be described as simply due to a few “bad apples” in our society. This systemic racism must be stopped.

We believe that words without action are just words, and we are taking action! We know which side we are on, and know that it isn't sufficient to keep our stance to ourselves. From everyone at the WagJag team, we want it to be known that we stand with those who have spoken out for their rights, those who have spoken out against injustice, inequality, marginalization, and oppression because of their skin colour. Enough Is Enough. It's time for us all to take a stand against racism and racial inequality for the Black, Indigenous, and POC members of our community and the world.

We stand with those in the Black Community and want to make sure that we do our part to make progress and lasting positive change in our community. 

We said it before and we hold ourselves to this: we want to assure you that we will continue to be committed to having a positive impact in our community. With an eye to making creating opportunities and change in the province of local businesses, we have made a donation to CEE Centre for Young Black Professionals

We have done our best to collect some resources to learn about and support anti-racism. We hope that you join us in showing our support.

What You Need To Know

What You Need To Know

Refund Policy

Support the Movement! Donate Here!

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