Up to 63% off 1 or 2 SpareOne Emergency Mobile Phones (2 Options)| WagJag
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What You Get

What You Get


Cell phones can help deal with all sorts of disasters, providing entertainment during 10-minute long waits for the bus, quick access to a map when lost at an intersection, and a means of seeming busy when you run into your ex. Today's WagJags from SpareOne provide an out for more complicated emergencies:

  • $39 for an emergency phone (a $100 value)
  • $75 for 2 emergency phones (a $200 value)

Made specifically for emergencies, the SpareOne emergency phone requires no SIM card or power outlet; it's powered by AA batteries and can be geo-located as soon as you call 911. Making a call for help is as easy as pressing the large centre button with the cross on it, or pressing keys one to nine to call the emergency contact that you've pre-programmed into your phone. One SpareOne battery gives you 10 hours of talk time, and lasts 15 years if not used, keeping you well covered for mishaps into the future. The entire phone kit includes the phone, an Energizer Ultimate Lithium L91 batter, an iPhone PIN, micro-SIM adapter, user manual and waterproof bag.

What You Need To Know

What You Need To Know

  • This product will be shipped directly to the address you provided at checkout
  • Product will arrive within 2-4 weeks of deal closing
  • No additional charges. No cash value. No cash back

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Up to 63% off 1 or 2 SpareOne Emergency Mobile Phones (2 Options)


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